Installation ************ In the Sali Lab =============== If you are working in the Sali lab, you don't need to build and install CryptoSite - it is already set up for you as a module. Just run ``module load cryptosite`` to load it. Dependencies ============ All dependencies listed below are expected to be found in standard system paths. This may require setting ``PYTHONPATH``, ``PATH`` and/or ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` environment variables. Note that Linux is the only platform for which all these dependencies are available, and so is the only platform on which CryptoSite currently functions. * `Python `_ 2.7 or later (Python 3 should also be OK). * `MODELLER `_ plus the `SOAP-Protein library `_. The ``soap_protein_od.hdf5`` file needs to be placed into MODELLER's ``modlib`` directory. * `MUSCLE `_. * `DSSP `_. It is expected that the :command:`mkdssp` binary is in the ``PATH``. * `fpocket `_ (version 2). * `PatchDock `_. * `IMP `_. * `NCBI BLAST+ `_ plus a local copy of the `UniProt database `_ for it to search against. To make this local database, ``gunzip`` the ``uniprot_trembl.fasta.gz`` and ``uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz`` files available from the UniProt website and combine them into a single ``uniprot`` text file. This then needs to be formatted for BLAST using the ``formatdb`` or ``makeblastdb`` tools in the BLAST software library. * `USEARCH `_ version 8.1 or later. * `Biopython `_. * `NumPy `_ and `SciPy `_. * `scikit-learn `_. CryptoSite has been tested with versions 0.12, 0.14.1, 0.21.3, and 1.0.2 of scikit-learn. We can't guarantee correct SVM results with other versions; at a minimum you should ensure that ``test/`` runs successfully. * `AllosMod `_ is needed to run part of the protocol. * `nose `_ is also needed to run the test suite (recommended but not essential). In the Sali lab, running ``module load modeller muscle dssp fpocket patch_dock imp blast+ usearch`` will get all of these dependencies. Building ======== Use ``make PYTHON=python3`` or ``make PYTHON=python2`` to build the library (depending on which version of Python you want to use). Use ``make test`` to test the library, and ``make install`` to install it. In most cases you will need to tell ``make`` where to install (if running on a Linux cluster, CryptoSite will need to be installed on a network-accessible filesystem) and where your local copy of UniProt is, with something like ``make PREFIX=/shared/cryptosite UNIPROT=/database/uniprot install``. See ``Makefile.include`` for all make variables that can be configured.